New Challenges in Scheduling Theory

April 3 - April 7, 2018
Centre CNRS "Paul-Langevin", Aussois, France

Following a successful series of twelve seminars on scheduling computer and manufacturing processes, we would like to invite you to attend the 13th seminar.

There will be a special issue of Journal of Scheduling after the workshop.


The main objective of this workshop is to create a thriving atmosphere to exchange new ideas and debating on new challenges in scheduling. Each participant is encouraged to present her-his work (in a 30 mns talk including questions, with a single track) and will have the opportunity to discuss informally with interested people.


The central thema of the workshop deals with all aspects of scheduling, from theory to implementation. A particular focus will be put on the following topics (but not restricted to): approximation and online algorithms, complexity, distributed scheduling, new scheduling models (work stealing, parallel tasks, divisible load), multi-objective optimization, meta-heuristics, scheduling communications, incertainties, links of scheduling with related topics (graph theory, game theory, packing), applications of scheduling, etc..

International Program Committee

Organizing Committee